The Dog Blog

Stay In Your Lane!
The hallmark of any good professional is knowing his/her limitations. I sometimes get asked about medical issues with dogs. "Is this bump weird?" "Does it look like this dog is limping?" "What...
Stay In Your Lane!
The hallmark of any good professional is knowing his/her limitations. I sometimes get asked about medical issues with dogs. "Is this bump weird?" "Does it look like this dog is limping?" "What...

Dog Parks: Why I Love Them
In our classes, I often get asked about dog parks. In the past, I've admittedly been on the fence about them, and at the root of it was my own...
Dog Parks: Why I Love Them
In our classes, I often get asked about dog parks. In the past, I've admittedly been on the fence about them, and at the root of it was my own...

Don't Shake the Baby!
It's universally understood in dog training circles that enrichment activities are a great quality of life increase for dogs. Scrap the food bowl, feed them out of toys. Meals that...
Don't Shake the Baby!
It's universally understood in dog training circles that enrichment activities are a great quality of life increase for dogs. Scrap the food bowl, feed them out of toys. Meals that...